Redefining EdTech to empower schools to succeed

At Education Horizons, we believe technology is at its most effective when it remains unnoticed

About Us

Developed by educators for educators
For over 40 years, Education Horizons has delivered learning, school administration, and property/asset management software to support over 1800+ schools globally
Today we work with over 3.0 million users across schools in 60+ countries.
Synergetic, SEQTA, Engage, Zunia and AssetWhere are leading products in the market. They’re proven, reliable and rich in features – combined with our expert training and consultancy it reflects the decades of partnerships with all levels of educators to improve student outcomes.

Investing in the future of education
In addition to developing our leading products, we continue to invest in new products for the future to make the lives of educators and school administrators easier
The newest kid on the block is Zunia — our next-generation cloud-native student information platform.
Be a part of the Education Horizons growth story.

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