XCL Education is a K-12 school group with 18 schools, including REAL Schools, SRI KDU Schools, XCL International School Penang and Vietnam Australia International School, with over 15,000 students in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.
The group has recently adopted our Engage school management information system as its single source of truth, with great success.
The problem: unifying vital school, data management across multiple campuses
XCL Education has multiple campuses and each of them were using a different method of capturing & measuring data which created issues with consistency and accuracy across the network.
Within its Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore schools, XCL was using a combination of paper-based systems, a Phoenix school management system, Oracle campus system, Excel spreadsheets and a custom-built engagement management system (EMS). Having multiple systems created a logistical nightmare for the administration team at XCL Education when it came time to bring together their reporting during the semester.
XCL identified it needed a centralised cloud-based school management system that could consolidate all the data and create a single source truth.

The solution: adopting Engage to ensure a one-system approach for schools
XCL Education partnered with Education Horizons to implement the Engage MIS for several of its schools in Malaysia. The group is now piloting Engage in schools across Vietnam.
Data consolidation was identified as a critical priority for the group. The ability for all schools to use a single system with all data in one place was essential, and the main reason XCL Education chose Engage. Lack of consistency across multiple systems and metrics is no longer an issue.
Engage offers fully integrated school management driving admissions, academics, performance assessment, reporting, holistic student care, administration and finance.
Using Engage as our single source of truth we have been able to achieve consolidated data and reporting in a short timeframe, which gives us improved visibility of our schools' performance.
Herman Verhoeven, Head of ITXCL Education, Singapore
How Engage has helped
The Engage school management system has connected the XCL Education community with ease.
Teachers enjoy the new Engage user interface, making it much easier to use daily. It reduces their administration time, leaving more time for teaching.
Parents now receive regular updates and information via the Engage Parent Portal. This has significantly improved communication, a welcome change from the inconsistency of previous systems.
The Engage user interface is excellent and has provided us with new functionality, particularly in the Parent Portal. We have significantly improved parent engagement and offered greater transparency by providing access via the secure Parent Portal and App. All of which is a huge benefit to our schools.
We would highly recommend Engage for your MIS.
Herman Verhoeven, Head of ITXCL Education, Singapore

Why choose Engage
Engage instantly makes working together easier, more efficient and more effective. It offers:
- One system at the heart of your school to manage all your school data
- Excellent user experiences with intuitive design and navigation
- Responsiveness for smartphones and tablets
- Safe, secure and accessible in the cloud
- A fully connected environment with appropriate school-defined access controls for teams and streamlined communications
- Easy ways to access, share and update essential school information
- Highly flexible and customisable to suit particular school requirements
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