Schools relied on technology more than ever in 2020
The Education Horizons Group school survey report 2021: The Voice of Australian Educators is now available for download. Drawing on over 1,000 responses from 589 schools, this year’s report builds on our inaugural survey report released last year and provides unique insights into the year just gone – including a general shift in focus from data to people in 2020.
The most common challenge for School Administrators and Managers in 2020 was managing staff and their community, reflecting the pressure of staff changes, disruptions and support for remote work.

Incorporating flexible working and learning environments into ‘normal’ school operations. Also, adjusting to COVID requirements in terms of additional co-curricular and community event management.
Consistent with this challenge, 36 per cent of all respondents identified upskilling on new technology as a major remote learning challenge in 2020 – with one respondent calling for “more training and time to master new technologies and programs”. Reflecting this pressure 55 per cent of respondents working in Finance identified streamlining administrative tasks as a priority moving forward. This reflects a growing theme across teaching, learning and school administration which is driving an increasing focus on school systems which minimize pressures on staff time.

Streamlining processes across the school in a user friendly and resource efficient manner. Centralising the data that the school is generating so it can be easily accessed and manipulated into quality dashboard using live current data. Reduce the need for excel spreadsheets.
A key part of this challenge is making sure the different systems operating within schools work together – with 76 per cent of Technology staff listing better integration between existing systems as the most common priority for 2021.

(The) Ability to have a platform that can do all functions such as attendance, distributing of course material, assessment and parent engagement whether it be online or in-person
A number of schools also noted the budget impact of COVID-19 – with 72 per cent of school Finance staff identifying budget management as a key challenge in 2020 and 37 per cent identifying increasing enrollments as a major priority for 2021.

You can download the full report, please share your insights with us!