In 2020, 1.5 billion students around the globe moved to remote and flexible learning as schools closed to contain the spread of COVID-19.
In Australia, over 97% of schools delivered lessons remotely, physically closing their doors. Schools’ preparedness for the transition to remote and flexible learning was varied, which significantly strained the education system and presented numerous challenges for the sector.
As 2021 approached, COVID-19 remained a global challenge, with societies continually adjusting to living with the virus until vaccine programs could take full effect.
In their rapid response to the pandemic, schools became a pillar of hope for their communities by supporting teachers, students, and their families to stay connected. Schools’ resilience was remarkable, with many using COVID-19 as an opportunity to create new and innovative ways of working. For example, Estonia, one of the world’s most advanced digital societies, built an e-education information system for all Estonian schools.
Our latest survey
The Education Horizons 2021 survey of more than 1,000 education professionals identified varying perceptions by role types regarding their school’s preparedness for the pandemic. Each individual’s experience in implementing remote and flexible learning differed. Interestingly, the survey highlighted a discrepancy in how teachers and school leaders rated their preparedness for remote learning. This raised critical questions about how teachers and school leaders understood student learning challenges and how schools supported lesson planning and preparation under unique circumstances, such as remote learning and in the classroom.
Why is there disparity in experience between role types?
We knew school leaders had been focused on responding to government policy and COVID-19 compliance practices, implementing technology to connect their schools online and responding to staff and student wellbeing. In contrast, teachers had been focused on adapting the curriculum to optimise the remote learning environment.
Teachers re-imagined reporting and assessment, focused on the home-school partnership with parents, and supported students’ social development and emotional well-being. Each role within the school system continued to have unique challenges.

As we moved into 2021, schools continued to shape and reimagine the future of the education system through their ongoing experiences with COVID-19.
Our 2021 survey indicated that schools’ top priority was focusing on student and staff wellbeing while enhancing academic outcomes. Schools also identified a critical need to re-examine curriculum and assessment priorities, explore opportunities for technological innovation and invest in tutoring to re-engage students who had fallen behind in remote learning. One thing that everyone was sure of was that COVID-19 had challenged how educators practised and would continue to shape the future of the education sector.
How did your school continue to be a pillar of hope in 2021? #pillarofhope