Engage School Website Admissions
How does it work?
Simple integration
Integration with your existing school website is simple. Different application forms can be created for different school stages and colour themes and logos can be customised to match school branding.
Enhanced website admission rates
A clear, easily completed form is embedded into your school’s website. Once completed by an enquirer an email alert informs admissions staff of the new enquiry.
Transferring the enquirer’s data seamlessly into Engage eliminates duplication of effort, diminishes input errors and eradicates ‘lost’ enquiries.
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Make life easy for prospective families
Parents of prospective students can register their enquiry to revisit and check on the progress of an application or to submit further information. The ability to upload documents (with direct links to the Document Management System) contributes to a smooth admissions process for families.
Flexible styling to match school admissions processes
As with every aspect of Engage MIS, it has the flexibility to match your school’s enquiry activity and admissions processes. Multiple template styles can be chosen for different admissions stages, alternative terminology, labels and colours can be chosen for any field and additional fields can be selected and made mandatory or otherwise.
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Fully in sync with Admissions
Drop down lists on the Website Admissions tool are linked to the same settings in Engage. Submitted enquiries are instantly downloaded and stored in Engage, pending action. Every part of the newly submitted data can be accessed via the Prospective Pupil screen.
Learn more about Engage school management information system